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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve

School Council

We are Back!


                                           The school council are once again very busy with a packed agenda for the up and coming Summer Term.


We have devised our own children's survey to find out what our friends like about our school and what we could do to make our school even better!

We will be analysing the results over the last two weeks of the Spring Term and then we can look at what everyone has said and find ways to share our voice and put ideas into actions.


School Jumper Sale


We are organising a school jumper sale after school on Thursday 31st of March.

All the jumpers have come from lost property and will be sold for the bargain price of 50p.

The proceeds will go to buying  vegetable seeds and soil as part of our green team initiatives.


If you have any ideas or proposals, don't forget to let one of us know, so that we can be your voice at Meryfield.








Welcome to our School Council web page, here are a few of the activities keeping us busy.


Stationary Project


The school council have been examining the cost of our stationary, to find out if there are ways we can help the school save money. After discovering the cost of each pen, pencil and glue stick we led an assembly  to let our friends know how much we spend each year and how we could help save the school some money. We have asked each class to have a "second chance pot" for pens and have shown everyone how to use glue efficiently. 


Playground Games


We are making our own book of  playground games, ready to launch in a few weeks time. We have devised some new games that we think children will like to play. Each week we will introduce a new game, show children how to play and take feedback on how to improve it for next time. 


Your Voice

We are always ready to listen to suggestions and are your voice in school. We have regular meetings where we can put forward your concerns and ideas.

Come and talk to us! 



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