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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve


Welcome to Reception.


Summer 1

Our topic this half term our topic 'We can be heroes'

  • We will be learning - what makes someone a hero?
  • Who helps us in our community.
  • We will be exploring non-fiction and making fact files. 
  • We will be comparing emergency services in the past to now- vehicles, uniforms and technology


In literacy we will be learning about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.  We will be writing our super sentences. 


Friday's will remain our PE day; children should come in wearing their PE kit (black tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and Meryfield jumper/cardigan).  On the other days children should be in full school uniform- no trainers, tracksuit bottoms or leggings.


Please remember we have an open-door policy so if you have any concerns please speak to us, email us via the admin email account or at the end of the day when you pick up your child. 


Many thanks


Reception Team





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