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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Year 2

Year 2 Summer Term


We have a busy term ahead of us as we come towards the end of Year 2!


In English, we will be studying a selection of narratives and non-fiction texts including a persuasive letter, diary and non-chronological reports. Our focus texts this term are: The Day the Crayons Quit, Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty and Milo Imagines the World. We will be building our sentence structure, vocabulary and punctuation. 


Reading is very important and it would be greatly appreciated if you could please support your child at home to read regularly. Please ask questions about the text to help build their comprehension skills.


In Maths, we are learning fractions and using these in shapes and amounts. We will also be building our multiplication and division knowledge. We will also secure our knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction skills. The children can use their TT Rockstar challenges to build their times table knowledge.


In Science, our topic is 'Living Things and their Habitats'. We will be exploring our school wild area to find out about different microhabitats. We will learn about local habitats, adaptation and how animals depend on each other. 


In History, we are learning about 'The Great Fire of London'. We will find out how the fire started, why it spread so quickly and how it has changed London today. We have an exciting workshop with History Off the Page in school on Wednesday 22nd May.


In Summer 2, our Geography topic is ‘Contrasting Localities’ and comparing out home town to a small village in Africa. We will be finding out about different settlements, lifestyles and 


In Design and Technology, we are making our own vehicles in 'Wheels and Axles' and in Art we are exploring 'Music and Art' to make an instrument. 


Please remember that we have an open door policy so if you have any concerns, please speak to us.







