Believe and Achieve
Welcome to Year 2
We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming you into year 2 on Tuesday 3rd September. We have a very exciting and busy year ahead of us!
In English, we will be studying a selection of narratives and poetry. We will be building our sentence structure, vocabulary and punctuation and continuing to work on our phonics skills.
Reading is very important and it would be greatly appreciated if you could please support your child at home to read regularly. Please ask questions about the text to help build their comprehension skills.
In Maths, we are building our knowledge of place value and using resources to 'understand' a number. We will also secure our knowledge of addition and subtraction as well as applying these skills in context.
In Science, our topic is 'Materials'. We will be exploring different materials, objects and their properties.
In History, we are learning about 'Explorers'. We will find out what an explorer is and learn about significant people including: Captain Scott, Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Katherine Johnson and many more!
We also have exciting trips and experience days ahead of us which we will share in detail shortly.
At Meryfield, we have an open door policy so if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with us.
Useful websites