Believe and Achieve
Welcome to the Spring term in Year 3.
In English, we will be reading a variety of different fiction and non-fiction texts and writing in a range of genres. Throughout the term, we will be focusing on sentence structure, punctuation, correct use of Standard English and creative writing.
In Maths, we will be learning about place value and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). We will be using a range of mental and written methods and using these to answer a variety of word problems. We will also learn about perimeter and fractions. We will continue to learn our 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
In Science, our topics are Light and Shadow in Spring 1 and Plants during Spring 2.
In Geography, we will be learning about 'Mountains'.
In History we will learn about the changes between the Stone Age through to the Bronze and Iron Age.
In Art we will learn how to use shape and colour in our art work.
In PSHE, our topics are ‘Dreams and Goals’ and ‘Healthy Me’. In RE we will be learning about Christianity, including the Easter story.
Please click on the curriculum documents below to find out more and see how you can help at home.