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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Year 4


Welcome to Year 4!

In the Spring term, we will be continuing to learn about the ‘Impact of the Romans in Britain’ in History and finding out about North America during our Geography lessons.


In English, we will be reading lots of engaging texts and writing in a range of styles including narrative and persuasive. We will cover a variety of grammatical features and continue to practise spelling words from the year 3/4 spelling list.


In Maths we will be learning about fractions and decimals. We will also be revisiting the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and focusing on fluency. We will continue to learn our times tables. Please help your child with this by encouraging them to practise regularly at home either on paper or through helpful websites such as TT Rockstars or Hit the Button.



 In Science, we will be learning about ‘States of Matter’.


In Art we producing still-life artwork and in DT we will be making mechanical posters.


In RE we will be focusing on Buddhism and thinking about how Buddha’s teaching can help the world to be a better place. We will then be looking at Christianity and the Easter story.


 Please remember, we have an open-door policy so if you have any concerns, please speak to us, email us via the admin email account or contact the office to arrange a convenient time to speak on the phone.


For further information, please see the documents below.


Our Learning Environment

The Wizard of Oz

All the children worked so hard on our Christmas play. Many of the children had lots of lines to learn, which they often practised during their lunchtimes with Mrs Cooper. This was a huge commitment for them which certainly paid off with their excellent performance. We are so proud of them!

Hazard Alley

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Hazard Alley at The Safety Centre. They learnt how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations such as road safety,  fire safety,  not being swayed by peer pressure to commit crimes, what hazards are in our homes and keeping safe online.  Knowing how to keep themselves safe whilst helping others in an emergency was also a key part of the day.  They learnt which important information is needed to in order to make a successful 999 call and then practised how to make an emergency call using both a telephone box and mobile phone.  Some first aid was also taught when they learnt how to put an unconscious person into the recovery position before seeking help. The children were all engaged and loved learning these life skills. 


In DT,  we designed and made nightlights which linked to out Science topic on electricity.

Useful Websites
