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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


In Autumn term, our topic will be 'Anglo-Saxons & Vikings'.


In English, we are looking at 'The Monsterology Handbook: A Practical Course in Monsters' from Dugald Steer. The children will be working on improving their sentence structures by focusing on the grammatical features of writing such as adding conjunctions, relative clauses and fronted adverbials.


In Maths, we will be exploring properties of number with a focus on place value and the four operations. Please continue to support your child by practising times tables at home with them and encourage them to use helpful websites such as TT Rockstars.


In Science, we are studying forces.


In Art, we are studying typography which is the art of creating and arranging letters in a way 
which is visually appealing.


We are looking forward to welcoming our astronomical roadshow where the children will be able to immerse themselves in the planets and the solar system! We will also be visiting 96 library where the children have the opportunity to engage in different reading activities.


Please remember, we have an open-door policy so if you have any concerns, please speak to us, email us via the admin email account or contact the office to arrange a convenient time to speak on the phone.


Our learning environment

We were very lucky to have a parent come and talk to us about the Hindu ceremony of puja. She explained the significance of the parts of the ritual and how it is marked in her own home. Thank you Anish and Aditya for letting us borrow Mum!
