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Meryfield Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


In Summer term, our topics will be 'The Victorians' in History and 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes' in Geography.


In English, we are looking at 'Wolves in the Wall' from Neil Gaiman and 'The Monsterology Handbook: A Practical Course in Monsters' from Dugald Steer. The children will be working on improving their sentence structures by focusing on the grammatical features of writing such as adding conjunctions, relative clauses and fronted adverbials.


In Maths, we will be focusing on geometry this term, looking at different aspects of shape such as perimeter, area, translation and reflection. We will also be looking at different types of angles. We will also continue to revise the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in fluency and arithmetic sessions. Please continue to support your child by practising times tables at home with them and encourage them to use helpful websites such as TT Rockstars.


In Science, we are studying living things and their habitats.


In Art, we are producing set designs and will be embarking upon 'programming adventures' in DT.


Year 5 are lucky to have some special visitors: 5H are having their Mini Police sessions this term with police officers coming in to deliver some PSHE sessions and for PE this term, coaches from Watford FC are coming in to deliver football to both classes.


Please remember, we have an open-door policy so if you have any concerns, please speak to us, email us via the admin email account or contact the office to arrange a convenient time to speak on the phone.


Our learning environment

Visit to 96 Library


Both classes had the opportunity to visit our local library and experience reading for purpose. The children followed instructions in beautiful books to draw and build Lego creations. Before leaving, some children read out instructions for yoga positions so the mornings ended on a chilled note! We were made to feel very welcome and those that had not signed up to join the library are now very keen to do so!

No Pens Day - November 2023


To mark No Pens Day, we put our writing tools down and concentrated on our speaking and listening skills!  Each child brought an item into school and explained why it was special to them. There was then an opportunity for questions. It was a lovely session and the children enjoyed learning new things about each other. 


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Astronomical Roadshow


We were lucky enough to be visited by the UK's  largest mobile planetarium system when the Astronomy Roadshow came to town! Sitting in this huge dome, the lesson brought our Earth and Space unit to life in an amazing way. It is something the children will never forget and was truly out of this world!

Reading Buddies


Every adult in school and some Year 6 children have a reading buddy who we spend time with each week. This week, Mrs Della-Valle was very busy so she asked one of her class to help her. This child from Year 1 visits our classroom every week and always receives a very warm welcome!
