Believe and Achieve
The online realm is a fascinating environment which offers invaluable tools and opportunities for children and young people to learn, socialise and engage in play. However, it operates with limited regulations. Therefore, it is important that children are taught how to be digital citizens within this and use digital technologies safely.
At Meryfield, we are dedicated to ensuring children are able to utilise digital tools safely. E-Safety is taught through Computing lessons and standalone E-Safety lessons using Project Evolve which uses the 330 statements from UK Council for Internet Safety's (UKCIS) framework “Education for a Connected World”. This helps ensure lessons are meaningful and appropriate in an ever-changing digital world.
The strands taught are:
Self image and identity
Online relationships
Online reputation
Online bullying
Managing online information
Health, well-being and lifestyle
Privacy and security
Copyright and ownership
Childnet Online Safety for 4-11 Year Olds